5. What rights and obligations do the members of the Sky Legend Association have?


The members of the ASSOCIATION have the following rights:
  • to participate with deliberate vote in the election of the governing bodies of the ASSOCIATION;
  • to elect or be elected in the management or control bodies of the ASSOCIATION;
  • to freely express their opinions about the activity or legislation in the field;
  • to participate in all activities organized by the ASSOCIATION;
  • to represent, by written power of attorney, at most two members in the governing bodies of the ASSOCIATION, when they are absent for objective reasons;
  • to be represented, by written power of attorney, in the governing bodies of the ASSOCIATION, when he is absent for justified reasons;
  • to benefit, under the conditions established by the governing bodies, from the projects, programs or activities carried out by the ASSOCIATION;
  • to promote programs, respectively to lead or coordinate the programs approved by the governing bodies of the ASSOCIATION;
  • be supported in obtaining or maintaining professional rights;
  • to represent the ASSOCIATION when appointed by the governing bodies of the ASSOCIATION;
  • to be informed about the decisions adopted and the activities promoted and carried out by the ASSOCIATION;
The members of the ASSOCIATION have the following obligations:
  • to participate directly or through authorized representatives in writing in the conduct of ordinary or extraordinary general meetings of the members of the ASSOCIATION;
  • to participate in fulfilling the objectives of the ASSOCIATION;
  • to contribute to the establishment of the movable or immovable property of the ASSOCIATION;
  • to comply with the decisions adopted, the governing and control bodies of the ASSOCIATION;
  • not to undertake actions or activities that may harm the interests of the ASSOCIATION;
  • to pay the fee;
  • to recognize and respect the provisions of the Statute of the Association, of the constitutive act and of the decisions taken by the General Assembly and the Board of Directors;
  • to contribute to the achievement of the purpose and objectives of the ASSOCIATION;
  • to actively participate in the works and activities of the ASSOCIATION, when requested;
  • to undertake voluntary activities in order to achieve the objectives of the ASSOCIATION;
  • not to violate other obligations arising from the Statute and regulations of the ASSOCIATION;